Monday, September 30, 2019

Legal Research

Samaritan Smith slipped and fell on shampoo that had spilled In the health and beauty department of the grocery store in question. Ms. Smith had suffered a broken hip from the incident and is going to be spending the next few months in physical therapy. Ms. Smith has no health insurance and is a single mother of a 2 year old boy. After our complaints were filed In the courts; the grocery store alleges that Ms. Smith had a duty herself to avoid the spillage, but was too distracted by her young son to notice. The store feels that Ms. Smith should be held just as responsible as hey are in the case.The question being presented today, Is If both parties Involved are equally responsible? Ms. Smith does in fact possibly hold some sort of comparative fault in this case. The grocery store did complete their scheduled aisle check Just thirty minutes before Ms. Smith slipped. INDO. Code Ann. 534-51-2-5 (WEST 1998) states that â€Å"In an action based on fault, any contributory fault chargeable to the claimant diminishes proportionately the amount awarded as compensatory damages for an injury attributable to the claimants contributory fault, but does not bar recovery†.There are several factors in that can place Ms. Smith with comparative fault. The biggest fact being that she was not paying attention, because she was dealing with her 2 year old son. It does not seem that the store is not at all responsible for the injuries she sustained. Yes, the aisle check was done at the scheduled time, but it was checked by an older gentleman that wore prescription glasses. As in Wall-Mart v. Wright, 774 EN ad 891 (2002) where Wright was found at comparative fault and awarded 30% less In damages, this too could be the case with Ms. Grants Ms.Smith states negligence on the grocery stores behalf, but she too had a duty to pay attention to her surroundings. The grocery store in question has documented proof of an aisle check being done at 1 p. M. The shampoo could have spilled anyt ime between 1:00 and 1:30 p. M. In conclusion Ms. Smith could very well hold some comparative fault if the grocery store can prove that she was distracted enough by her child, that she was unable to notice the spillage. [Where are the headings in your memo? I have no idea where your memo components are. ] Wall-Mart stores Inc. V. Got, 774 EN ad 891 (2002) Wright originally sued Wall-Mart for Injuries she sustained when she slipped and fell on a puddle of water in the â€Å"Outdoor Lawn and Garden Corral†. Wright insisted Wall-Mart was negligent in the maintenance and inspections of the premises. Wright was found at comparative fault for not doing her duty as an Individual and shopper and paying attention In an area of the store where it was common for water to be on the ground. Description Weighting Possible Points Points Earned Content Student located a statute from the appropriate Jurisdiction.The statute that the dent located is on the appropriate issue and applied to the fact situation. Student provided proper citation of statutes. Student located a case from the appropriate Jurisdiction that interprets the statute. 32 Sentence Mastery Sentences are consistently grammatical. Major sentence-level errors, including fragments, run-eons, and comma splices, are avoided. Sentences are graceful, I. E. , they can be read aloud without awkwardness, awkward pauses, or running out of breath. Language is rich, precise, and vivid. 6 Grammar and Mechanics Spelling is proficient. Spellchecker has been used to avoid egregious errors.Grammar and mechanics are sound, including mastery of the following key elements: subject-verb agreement; verb form; appropriate punctuation and capitalization; apostrophe use; appropriate word use. There are no extra words, and there are not missing words. Organization and Format Organization and structure are clear and easy to follow. Writing shows clear purpose and orderly transitions from beginning to end. Sentences consistently est ablish this organization and flow rather than interrupt it. Format meets PAPA guidelines and Bluebook rules as appropriate, including use of title pages.There is no playful experimentation with fancy fonts. It is written for the appropriate audience. Citation Style Writing shows both internal citations in the body of the text as well as a proper list of references at the end of the paper, following PAPA or Bluebook format. Citations appear consistently where needed, whether following quoted or paraphrased material in the text. Note: In papers requiring secondary sources, failure to provide any citation does not result in a deduction of 10% from the paper, but will result in a failed paper and a plagiarism investigation.Total: 100% 60] Possible Points [50] Points Earned Additional Instructor Comments: FRIAR for Samaritan Smith scenario Facts [Your own paraphrase of the facts of Smith's problem in one or two paragraphs. This goes to the Analysis section, so do not skimp. ] Issue [Your own statement of Smith's problem in a single sentence in yes or no format. For example, â€Å"Can Samaritan Smith recover for the damages she endured as the result of a slip and fall at a local grocery store where shampoo had leaked upon the floor? â€Å"] Rule The citations and holdings from the two cases you located (one in Unit Three and one

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Macbeth Analysis Essay

In the beginning Macbeth starts out as a successful and respected warrior, who leads King Duncan’s army. Then his life starts to go downhill for him when he decides to follow to a witches’ prophecy. His wife Lady Macbeth pressures him to kill Duncan while he is staying at the Macbeths’ castle. At first, Macbeth’s ambitions overcome his doubts and hesitations, but later both he and his wife are driven to insanity by their guilt. Macbeth then goes on to kill suspicious Banquo, and he also plans to kill Macduff, who too has his own suspicions about Macbeth. Macbeth is not in the right state of mind to grieve when his wife dies from her mental anguish. Finally, Macduff kills Macbeth in battle, and Malcolm becomes the new king. The context of our key scene (Act 2, Scene 3) is about Duncan’s murder by Macbeth. Macbeth has his own strong motivations not to kill Duncan, but is pushed and pressurised into it by the witches and Lady Macbeth. Lady Macbeth gives her husband advice to â€Å"look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under it†, which means he must be vicious inside but appear innocent on the outside to the rest of the characters, which they have to do even after the murder. There is a sense of suspense, such as, how will the thanes react to the murder? Will Macbeth get away with it forever? And will his plan be successful? Act 2, Scene 3 is about the aftermath of King Duncan’s murder by Macbeth. It begins with a rather comic interlude, where a drunken Porter is roaming about in Macbeth’s castle and is speaking nonsense, with ironic mentions about hell. He opens the door to Macbeth and Lennox, and they go to the quarters where they find that Duncan is dead. Lennox and others are genuinely shocked, whilst guilty Macbeth babbles too much about the situation, and even his wife makes it slightly look as if she is more concerned about her house than the king’s death. Sly Lady Macbeth turns the attention and suspicion away from her husband by fainting. Duncan’s sons Malcolm and Donaldbain fear for their lives and run away to neighbouring countries. Both our main characters develop in similar and different ways. Macbeth has constant doubts about the murder, then immediately feels shameful after he commits it. Both he and his wife struggle to talk without dropping small suspicious clues, but lady Macbeth mainly manages to keep them out of suspicion. Macbeth’s sense of guilt leads to panic, as he is forced to be deceptive to cover up his crime. There is hesitation in his speech, and guilty remorse is revealed through his actions. Although he was pushed by his wife to kill Duncan, he wasn’t inspired by anyone to kill the guards. He is forced to take action to control the situation, and feels he has to keep killing because there is no going back. He is starting to experience with the consequences, like the â€Å"poison chalice†. Up until now, Lady Macbeth has been the prime mover, but is now beginning to crumble and is no longer the strong person that she was. She does show some human sensitivity in her, even if she is evil. She has a genuine wifely devotion and loyalty to her husband. Also, she knows that she can’t go very far in the world of that era because she is a woman, so she is getting close to somewhere high through Macbeth. Lady Macbeth may be sad and evil partly due to losing her child, compared to Lady Macduff, who has children and seems to be a nicer, calmer person. In this play, we can see the theme of â€Å"appearance vs. reality†, as the Macbeth couple are forced to conceal the guilty reality of their crime by putting on innocent appearances. It was Lady Macbeth who quoted the image of appearing â€Å"like the innocent flower†, but being â€Å"the serpent under it†, by which she meant to be brutal but act innocent. There are images with references to â€Å"heaven† and â€Å"hell†, such as when the drunken porter appears to be talking nonsense, but his words actually make some sense. Some of his quotes include â€Å"if a man were a porter of hell-gate† and â€Å"who’s there in the name of Beelzebub?†, which seems to link in with the evil deed that Macbeth has just committed. Macbeth’s act of killing the king is called regicide, which leads to â€Å"confused† events. To kill a king was seen as damnable because it was removing God’s representative on earth. Macbeth’s image of the â€Å"fountain† being stopped (by him, which he doesn’t make obvious) shows an interference with the Divine Right of Kings, a belief that royalty is passed down in the family. As with most tragedies, â€Å"betrayal† is very prominent in this play. He betrays his guest and king Duncan by killing him instead of protecting him. We see the use of iambic pentameter, and this is when a line follows a certain rhythmic pattern, such as â€Å"confusion now hath made his masterpiece†. We can see a tragic structure in the play of â€Å"Macbeth†. Firstly, as with most tragedies, he falls from an elevated position to a tragic demise. At the beginning of the play he is a war hero, but after some bad influences and wrong choices, becomes disgraced, isolated, and finally killed. Macbeth’s fall is seen in this scene when he kills innocent people to cover up his first murder; he declines into insanity and loses control of the situation. He has an internal conflict between the benign and malign sides to his characters. His benign side is telling him not to do the murder, then after it happens he thinks â€Å"if I could turn back time†, wishing he had not done it after all. Then there is his malign ambition to be king and become powerful no matter what, and to listen to the bad advice of Lady Macbeth and the witches. There is the prominent theme of â€Å"betrayal†, which Arthur Miller of â€Å"A View from the Bridge† said is the key to man y tragedies. Macbeth betrays many people such as Duncan, by not protecting him as his host, Banquo, by also killing him, Macduff, by giving orders for his family to be killed, God, by removing his designated representative on earth, Scotland, by leaving it in a political vacuum, and even himself, for sinking so low. He lies a lot to conceal his guilt and murder. There is an overwhelming sense of wasted potential. Many characters such as Duncan, Banquo, and even Macbeth himself should all have lived peaceful, happy, contented lives, but Macbeth spoils it for all of them. There is also the chance that Macbeth could have become king honourably without the need to kill. Also, Malcolm could have become king earlier without the chaos which leaves Scotland unsettled, and the political vacuum. In this scene we see Macbeth become an independent murderer without influence from anyone. He is visibly a deceitful liar, and there are many beginnings of chaos. The events of our key scene (Act 2, Scene 3) leave us questioning what will happen next and wanting to know more. This is how Shakespeare evokes suspense in the play of Macbeth. After Macbeth commits the terrible murder, we are left wondering what will happen to the state of Macbeth’s mind, as we later find out that his increasing insanity finally finishes him off. We wonder if the Macbeth couple will ever be found out of their wicked conspiracy. Although they do not get caught by country officials, they see the suspicions from Banquo and Macduff. We could even say that the Macbeths punish themselves in a way, by having to face the guilt-ridden consequences of their actions. From the beginning, Lady Macbeth has been the more prominent partner in the relationship, but her mental decline seems to affect her quicker than Macbeth, even to the point that she dies and he does not seem to care much. Going back to the murder’s aftermath, there is the question of who will be the new king, and what will happen to Scotland from this point. We, as the audience, are waiting to find out what happens next, and see that some of our questions are answered, and some are not, (like, what exactly happened to Lady Macbeth’s child that she had vaguely mentioned?).

Saturday, September 28, 2019

The Global Village Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The Global Village - Essay Example Perhaps, even the feelings of sadness would visit me as I make my travel papers ready. Of course, I will also wonder about the new country that I’ll be living in. I certainly would be excited if it were a nation in Europe, or an Asian country, like Japan or China. However, I would have serious reservations if it were Central Africa, or a highly conservative Muslim nation. I prefer working in a country that is not wracked by wars or insurgencies for practical reasons. Also, I want to be safe and secure from needless danger. I do not mind having a foreign roommate as long he or she is friendly and maintains good hygiene. I have no problems getting along with people of different nationalities, setting issues of language aside. I have no problems meeting new people and making new friends while being abroad. It will be a meaningful experience and would also be of much help as my stay in a foreign country goes by. Appreciation for other people is always a good thing, and it will also give me a chance to learn their own culture and

Friday, September 27, 2019

Technology Influence Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Technology Influence - Assignment Example However, EM has over the years struggled with communication networks that are often jammed or destroyed in the event of adverse natural disasters. In the case of Hurricane Katrina, for example, many of the wireless base stations were grounded and telecommunication cables were destroyed (Coombs & Holladay, 2012). Jamming of the networks is occasioned by overloading of call centers such as the boosters installed exceed their capacity to complete incoming or outgoing calls. This is a serious challenge that not only impacts the direct victims of the disasters but also the emergency teams working to rescue lives and properties. Evidently, therefore, the conventional forms of communication, which mostly comprise of cable and wireless networks, are prone to jamming and distraction of pre-requisite infrastructure. The problem has further been aggravated by government reduction of budget allocated to FEMA which could have, otherwise, benefitted their efforts to reinforce telecommunication inf rastructure within the agencies involved in emergency management. Despite the above challenges occasioned by over-reliance in conventional communication systems, advancements in information and technology appear to offer solution to this same communication challenge. Undoubtedly, the advent of social media platforms of communication have tremendously resolved the barriers of jammed networks and destruction of infrastructure. As it stands at the moment, Facebook and Twitter are the two online social platforms with the highest number of subscribers. In the event of a disaster, the victims can easily update their statuses and, therefore, friends and family members can easily established the location of each other. Similarly, through the hash-tag feature that permits a trending topic to be easily accessed by millions across the globe, the various rescue agencies working in collaboration with FEMA can easily establish the location and the needs of the victims.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Cash Flows in Business Organisations Coursework

Cash Flows in Business Organisations - Coursework Example The concept of Net Profit and Net Cash Flow are not the same which often becomes a cause of concern for business owners. The difference in net income and cash flow arises because of the way income statements are prepared. Under the ‘accrual’ method of accounting, net income is calculated subtracting incurred expenses from earned revenues. Further, net revenues include credit sales (not involving immediate cash flows) and expenses include various provisions, deferred payments, depreciation, etc. that does not involve actual movement of cash during current period. In the statement of cash flow, all such accrual concepts are adjusted to net profit and only then operating cash flow is correctly arrived. For instance, consider the financial statements of UAL (shown in Appendix) where the company has incurred net loss of $723 million for the year ending 2012 but from the consolidated statement of cash flows we find that its Net Cash from Operations for the same fiscal was $935 million. This is because the company has charged higher ‘Depreciation & Amortisation’ for capital expenditure that does not involve actual outflow of cash. Thus, the books of account of company may show high/low net profits despite of having much less/high cash on hand. As per the requirements of IAS 7, operating activities involved in a business has to be reported using indirect or direct method. In the former method, profit/loss has to be adjusted after considering the effects of non-cash transactions like deprecation, accruals or deferrals of future or past operating activities. The later method classifies different operating items into gross cash payments and gross cash receipts. Information required for calculating these items are derived from books of account (adjusted sales, cost of sales, etc.). The basic layout of each method is depicted below, The ‘Net Cash from Operations’ in US Airways in 2011 was $472 million

Write about an experience you've had that makes you who you are Essay

Write about an experience you've had that makes you who you are - Essay Example I thought of smokers as idiots who waste money to buy ash and smoke to inject the carbon into their lungs and ruin their health. I did not smoke because I could not identify even a single benefit of this habit. I saw the purple lips of the chain smokers and that drew me further away from the thought of smoking a cigarette ever. But there was something strange happening to me when I was sitting amongst them and not smoking when all of them were doing it. I felt stranger and disconnected from the group. It was a pathetic feeling. It seemed like I had been outcast or was socially excluded. It felt anything but good. I had an inside feeling that it would not harm me if I gave it a try just for that time. While I was struggling with my inner feeling and denying the fact that I wanted to smoke there and then, one of my friends started criticizing me for not smoking. He called me â€Å"a Mama’s boy†, and the rest of them joined him in making fun of me. Then one of them said, à ¢â‚¬Å"Oh common Jonny, I know you can do it!† They presented it to me like a challenge, that I was too bold to deny accepting. The group process overwhelmed me and I did take a cigarette, pursed it between my lips, lit it at the end, and inhaled it!!! I was not being myself and it felt worse than before! Group that an individual forms part of influences the individual and convinces him/her to do things that he/she would never even think of doing as an individual. Group norms and values are quite different and often in conflict with the norms and values of at least some members of the group. Group’s norms and values are established with mutual consensus of the more powerful, influential and dominating members. Passive participants in the group work have to abide by the norms and values thus established by the active participants. Their compliance promotes harmony and retaliation promotes conflict. Thus, in order to work peacefully in a group, members

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

(Geology) Tsunami Threat in California Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

(Geology) Tsunami Threat in California - Essay Example In the history of Tsunami, the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami was one of the deadliest disasters that killed over 230,000 people in 14 countries near the Indian Ocean. Although researchers have identified the causes and other characteristics of this natural disaster, many facts about Tsunami still remain undiscovered. This paper will discuss the â€Å"Tsunami threat in California† in detail. Geological surveys have identified that most of the faults in the United States, specifically in California, are strike slip faults. In addition, the presence of dip slip faults also has been discovered in California (State of California, 1992). In geology, a fault indicates a discontinuity in a large volume of rock and this discontinuity or planar fracture often causes notable displacements during the times of an earth movement. Strike slip faults can be simply defined as a motion which is parallel to the strike of the fault and sometimes it is referred to as side by side motion. Strike slip faults characterized with left lateral motion are called sinistral faults while those resemble a right lateral motion fall under the category of dextral faults. In contrast, dip slip faults represent fractures where the blocks are shifted almost vertically. In the case of dip slip faults, a downward motion is termed as normal and an upward motion is known as reverse. A fault that includes the components of both strike slip and dip slip is commonly referred to as an oblique slip fault. It has been identified that both the strike slip faults and dip slip faults may lead to earthquakes and thereby tsunamis. Earthquakes associated with strike slip faults and reverse slip faults can have the potential to cause powerful tsunamis because most of such earthquakes generally hit with a magnitude of 8 or more and it has been observed that energy released during an earthquake is proportional to the

Monday, September 23, 2019

French laundry ( marketing analysis) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

French laundry ( marketing analysis) - Essay Example With the advent of the economic recession the sales of the restaurants have also been affected because of the reduced number of the customers. The owner and chief chef Thomas Keller has framed a unique identity for the restaurant in United States of America. To understand the present state of the restaurant certain management tools were used and the analysis has been provided below: The restaurant, French laundry has a strong market position. The name of the restaurant has become synonymous for rich and exotic food which provides a memorable experience for the gourmets. Many people are of the opinion that French laundry restaurant is not just an eatery; rather it’s the place where they create moments for the life time (Fish, 2009). However after the financial recession in US, the restaurant is losing its market position. The restaurant has achieved its present market position by the combined effort of all its members, starting from the head chef to the person who serves the food. Each and every aspect is so well managed that every moment spend in the restaurant becomes an experience to be cherished (The French Laundry, 2007). The French laundry is awarded three stars; the most coveted honour, in the restaurant industry. There are however, many more restaurants in US which share the three star rating with French laundry and are its strong competitors. The economical downturn has reduced the threat from new entrants in US market, but competition among the existing restaurants have increased a lot (The New York Times-a, n.d.). The restaurant is very much concerned regarding its raw materials and takes care to ensure a smooth and effective Supply Chain. French Laundry subsidised the farmers so that they can generate healthy off-season revenue. The restaurant prefers to use fresh fruits for the recipe and the left over fruits are used for making jams, cider vinegars, wine barrels etc. The

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Changes in Britains Society during WWII Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Changes in Britains Society during WWII - Essay Example Men were now called upon to not only take up arms but also to till the land, to provide rations to the fighting force, and to make weapons. Every man had to contribute to the war effort, be it by joining the armed forces or making weapons. The Second World War was and is the topic of much speculation, debate and inquiry and the humongous literature which this war produced is unparalleled in scope. This war affected the whole world at large, while its impact on the participating nations is felt even to this day. In Britain this war was called the People's War and it changed the lives of the men and women and children who lived through it, by altering the political idiom and changing the social landscape. Professor Sonya O. Rose, in her book titled "Which People's War National Identity and Citizenship in Wartime Britain, 1939-1945" gives an account of the general mood of the time and the consensual nature of the general population, who banded together, unmindful of class, gender, age, or political affiliations to defeat the common enemy-Nazi Germany. This war was total in its scope, in that no life was left untouched by the upheavals it caused. Professor Rose, in her work has also placed a great deal of emphasis on the ideal of nationalism which permeated the national consciousness. The Welsh and the Scots, with their strong regional identities joined the war effort but the constant reference to it as England's war, gave rise to the regional aspirations and she notes how the Scottish soldier's keenness to wear a kilt may be construed as an anti-English sentiment, while fighting on the British side. John Stevenson's book on British society (1914 - 45) highlights the salient factors that took place in the society of Britain during the Second World War. Stevenson explores the different periods in British history and presents us with a clear interpretation of many important events and incidents that took place during that time. Some of the topics that he deals with in his book are the ravages of war, women's suffrage and wartime experiences, class system and organized labor in relation to the parliament, the economy and welfare reforms that existed during that period, foreign policy, equal citizenship, gender roles and appeasement of the existing situations. Gender Roles - Women during the war Stevenson's book highlights many of the strongly held beliefs surrounding the war. It tells us of how the greatest source of female employment was domestic service. Despite the fact that most of the women were employed in munitions factories and even though there was a massive escalation in the production of armaments, yet rendering domestic services was a priority in female labor. The role of women underwent the greatest change during this period, and they were called upon to fill up the roles traditionally reserved for men. Carol Harris, in the article "Women under Fire in World War Two," details the duties which women were called upon to perform and the new roles they had to take upon themselves. During World War I, women took up jobs in the essential services so that men could go and fight the war but, in World War II Sir William Beveridge, in a secret report in 1940, clearly spelt out that women would have to be conscripted in the army, although they would not have to bear arms. Women were called u

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Ethics of Engineering Essay Example for Free

Ethics of Engineering Essay Risk can be defined in many different versions basing on the specified use and situational context. It can simply means the future negative circumstances that can be prevented or mitigated, rather than day to day that calls for immediate attention. When it comes to risk management, the word hazard can be used to define a situation that would lead to harm while the word risk would mean a probability of anything occurring. This concept was applied at planning of delta works in the nineteenth century, which is a flood preventing project in western country. The type of risk analysis is now common in sites like chemical industry and nuclear power. Determining engineering risk is somewhere hard especially in industries where there is production of toxic materials. The way forward to measure individual life cost caused by the loss differs basing on the aim or purpose. Most measures entail what individuals are able to give to insure against death (National Academy of Engineering National Academies Press (US), 2004). Categories of risk -financial risk; is mostly termed as the unplanned variability of returns which covers bad-than-unplanned as well as good-than-desired returns. Basing on statistics risk is always placed to the probability of a number of outcomes that are mostly undesirable (Morse Babcock, 2009). Often the probability of the event and various assessment of its perceived harm need to be joined into a believable outcome, which joins a group of risk, regret and pay probabilities in a desired value for that same outcome. Risk is therefore assessed as a task of three variables namely the probability that there might be a negative warning, the presence of vulnerability and finally potential improvement in business. The first two probabilities are joined together and sometimes called likelihood, if any of the named variables above almost results to zero, the whole risk results to zero. Risk can further be defined as a state of lacking complete certainty where a number of possibilities entail a loss or various unexpected outcome. Measurement of risk; a group of possibilities with which each has a quantified probability and quantified losses From the text above it is vital for one to have uncertainty with no risk but not have risk without uncertainty. People can be uncertain concerning who will be the winner in a contest but unless they hold individuals stake in it, they hold no risk (Martin Schinzinger, 2005). If people bet some finances on the results of the contest, then it is true they have a risk. In this similar occurrences there are different outcome. The value of uncertainty only defines the probabilities kept for outcomes, as the calculation of risk calls for the two outcomes that is probability and quantified (National Academy of Engineering National Academies Press (US), 2004). Insurance and heath risk insurance is a type of risk lowering investment whereby the customer gives some agreed amount to be safer incase a negative issue arises. In this way, the customer will be so sure a loss has not occurred. Buying a lottery ticket is a high-risk investment with a possibility of minimal reward but with a high chance of getting a loss (Moriarty, 2008). Banking some funds at a specific rate of interest is also taking a risk although the return is less but guaranteed. Some risks like in individual’s health could be minimized through primary prevention habits that lowers early occurrence of diseases or by secondary avoidance habits once an individual has been exposed to early symptoms and signs that could be a risk factor. Tertiary avoidance lowers the negative outcome of a disease that is already established by minimizing illness- associated complication and restoring the functions. Every medical professional needs clear discussions about risk factors with an individual client to acquire informed consent concerning tertiary and secondary avoidance efforts however the entire medical health efforts in primary avoidance needs education of the public group at risk (Martin Schinzinger, 2005). In each circumstance, excellent communication concerning any risk factors, predicted results and certainty should differentiate between causal circumstances that need to be reduced and associated circumstances which might be consequences rather than causes (Baura, 2006). Safety It can be defined as a situation of being secure, out of danger injury or risk or in other terms, it means events that call to lower or do away with hazardous situations that can lead to injury of the body. Categories of safety †¢ Occupational safety it is mainly based with risks in locations where individuals work that is in building and construction, business industries and organizations. †¢ public safety it deals with hazards in premises, journeys, touring and recreation, and in other various circumstances which is not within the category of occupational safety †¢ Marketing safety this entails security in purchasing of goods and even in producing. One must be sure the services offered will not lead to a negative outcome (Baura, 2006). On the other hand, the producers themselves should not risk in making a loss for this can cause the closure of a business. †¢ Insurance risk this avoids a great loss in business or in individuals investment incase an accident or an injury arises, that means the owner is secured. In case of an accident, it is always advisable to analyze the employees’ status of safety measures, which could be affected by outward working environment, attitudes directed to security and accident avoidance work and also leaders’ commitment in security promotion. Such kind of factors could be linked to work stress and risk behavior (Moriarty, 2008). The perceived risk behavior affects negative outcomes like accidents and near misses, while the possibility that discourages improvement in transforming a person’s risk perception towards embracing safety is still not yet clear (Martin Schinzinger, 2005). Competent verses incompetent A competent engineer is one whose work is recommendable and excellent; he evaluates, assesses and organizes the employees to work with an aim of meeting the company’s goals and objectives. He works under minimal supervision from the seniors, seeks for advice in times of difficulty and consults other professionals to add skills and knowledge (Harris et al 2008). Unlike incompetent engineer who might have no knowledge of his work and his end results after working are disgusting. Maintaining a competent engineer could be challenging unlike the incompetent one. A good engineer has most of the qualification required in his area of assignment; works well to produce excellent results while a good person is generally pleasing and manifests good characters but may be lacking qualifications in his work (National Academy of Engineering National Academies Press (US), 2004). A person may be competent but lacks good morals this can be evidenced by most of the employers who employ workers on condition to get ‘something’ in return. This is mostly happening in the modern world where most competent individuals have no integrity or character. In conclusion, it is better to risk taking an action despite of the unknown results rather than being safe in a condition whose guaranteed results are negative for example banking money to gain small interest instead of keeping it with you. Reference Baura, G. (2006). Engineering ethics: an industrial perspective. New York: Academic Press. Harris, C. , Pritchard, M. Rabins, M. (2008). Engineering Ethics: Concepts and Cases, 4th Ed. New York: Cengage Learning. Martin, M. Schinzinger, R. (2005). Ethics in engineering, 4th Ed. New York: McGraw-Hill Publishers. Moriarty, G. (2008). The engineering project: its nature, ethics, and promise. New York: Penn State Press. Morse, L. Babcock, D. (2009). Managing Engineering and Technology: An Introduction to Management for Engineers, 5th Ed. New York: Prentice Hall Publishers. National Academy of Engineering National Academies Press (US). (2004). Emerging technologies and ethical issues in engineering: papers from a workshop, October 14-15, 2003. New York: National Academies Press.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Customer Oriented E-Commerce Website

Customer Oriented E-Commerce Website Task 1: As a IT Project Manager along with Marketing officer you should visit a company XYZ to propose them to divert all the activities into IT based. Your proposal report should be SMART and must be follow the following criteria: * It should identify the project scope, functionality and consumption resources. * Your proposal should clearly mention the project objective, goal, outcome and time frame. The key Objective of our project is that it is a customer oriented e-commerce website. People can directly purchase without wasting the time. In todays hasty world time is a prime factor. People can directly buy Tshirt stuffs and other clothings with the help of our e-commerce portal. This is completely customer based or we can say B2C i.e, Business to Customer. The latest fashion arrival is available on our website with cheaper prices. GOAL: The Goal of our project is to create an online e-commerce service which is specialised in Tshirt accessories with todays fashion world. We have our own house and some business tie ups with vendors to sell the t-shirt apparels. Phase-2: (Project Planning). Assume that you get this project. IT Manager and Marketing Officer make a plan how the project will complete. Being the project manager (Simran) I have assigned the work to my dedicated team. My team members (Simran, vipul, Amrit, sukhwinder, Rajwinder). Our complete project will be done by the every members effort. The tasks are divided as per the time frame. During the first week of the project we create a complete layout for the project requirements. The design phase will then be conducted during the second week, In design phase we will create two phases one is customer oriented. Customers can view the products and can purchase online. The second phase of design is accessible by the owner of the site. The owner can edit the products, set the prices and also remove the products or we can say any update he can perform via backend operations. The most important phase i.e., data based will be conducted on the third week. The php my admin will be used for this because of its greater flexibility and availability of code m is easier with this. The connectivity will be done in the next session of the week. Therefore, database connectivity will be done in the 4th week. The fifth week will be of our group meeting in which we will thoroughly revised the project between us and discuss with each and every group member. So that we can get to know any pitfall (if it occurs). Thus the feasibility of our project can be obtained. The sixth week is our submission time domain to our client. We will discuss the project with our client . TASK 2(LO 1) 2.1 Create a project description (project description should be distinguish between program, sub project and project. Your proposal of the project should be identifies the following criteria: 2.2 Analysis of the project function which include dependencies, IT resources, manpower, time consumption and total cost. The analysis of our project with respect to dependencies, IT resources, manpower, time consumption and total cost can be defined as below: Dependencies: The project is designed in html, php, css style. The database is stored in XAMPP. IT resources: local host , 4 laptops Manpower: There is a vital role of our entire team behind this project. Contribution of each and every person is reliable and there is manpower of five people is applied for this project. I would like to mention the name of our team members who contributes towards the success of this project. The resource people are: Simran, Vipul, Amrit, Sukhwinder, Rajwinder . Time consumption: The total time consumed for the development of this project is almost 6 weeks. Per week three days are contributed. Each day consist of 8 hours. Total Cost : The total investment for this project is NZD5000 2.3 Develop a Gantt Chart that must include the following information: Task number and task name Time frames for the completion of each task (start and end dates) Float time to mention the time delay probability between each task Add milestone Successor and predecessor(dependencies) Gantt Chart legend 2.4 Analysis the risk factor and contingency plan to avoid the risk during project period. The risk factor for this project may be the hardware get crashed, software may be get corrupted. Lost of data and other important files, People involved in this project may be withdrawal due to their personal issues or may be due to any other reason. The total budget for be project may be detained if investors step back. The contingency plan to avoid the risk during project period are For Hardware crash issue, we will consider the additional laptops and other machine. To avoid the software corruption we will use the valid and updated versions of softwares. 2.5 Distribute role and responsibilities among the group member and set the milestone. Use the Waterfall Model (Requirement Analysis, Design, Programming source code, Testing, Documentation) from software development life cycle to categories your task: Phase-3 (Manage the project) You should Team leader of your group will be responsible for manage the project. TASK-3: (LO 5,2,3) 3.1 Develop your project according to the plan. The project is developed according to the plan. The Plan of our project is discussed as follows: Our project is about the E-Commerce website. We are creating a web portal for E-Commerce. Our client business is related to the garments that specialized with T-shirts and shirts. Our project is completely based upon the requirements of our client. We are creating a online E-Commerce website for this. To meet the challenges of todays scenario of dynamic websites. Our team decided to make this project in HTML, PHP is used for the backend server side programming as its of dynamic nature. We also use local host. And for database we are using PHPMyAdmin. 3.2 Analysis the project status, milestone and project progress rate. 3.3 Make a plan against the project progress and project plan (if any). The project plan is carried out so that each and every aspect of the project could be run out. The strategies are quite simple and up to the point. During the first day we made a pen and paper layout as per the requirements of our client. Then we transformed this into the designing structure. The website design was carried out . We used html, CSS, PHP for backend. The database is designed by using PhpMy Admin. This was done in the 2nd and 3rd week. After this , we implement the design into the running platform and also provide the useful structural approach for this. The next phase of verification of code was conducted. In this phase each code is run separately and tested accordingly. 3.4 Analysis the risk (manpower, resources) and make a project plan so that project can meet the timeframe. The risk factors that affect our project can be resources related and manpower related. The people engaged in the project, they may leave the project due to any reason (it might be their personal etc.) The resources related issue can be caused if any failure may occur that may be related to hardware failure or software failure. Phase- 4 (Test and Review the final project) TASK- 4(LO7) You need to keep records of day to day activity of your project. You will maintain a separate journal in which you will enter these daily activities. These activities will range from non-technical to technical activities. The journal will be maintained on an individual basis. 4.1 Use a Microsoft office software (world/excel) to maintain your journal. Put data and name of the day each separate entry. 4.2 You have to keep a record of the Minutes of Meeting which you have held with your client. Use the following format to record the minutes of all meetings: Project Name Project Manager Team Members Attended Clients Attended Date and Time Minutes 4.3 Create a User Manual document to support your project. This is a separate document. This document will help your client on critical factors, how to use the program and quality of the program. It is necessary to include the following items to complete your user manual: a) User manual cover sheet b) Table of contents c) Introduction d) System requirements/specifications e) List of available functions f) Description of each function detailing the purpose with screen shot and how to use these functions. g) Frequently asked questions (FAQ) h) Index and keywords (Glossary) 4.4 (LO6 and LO7): Prepare a group presentation to demonstrate your project to your client. This will help u=your client to review and propose changes accordingly. Note these proposals as you will making changes to your project after this presentation. Your presentation must cover the following topics: a) Group members introduction b) Project Introduction c) Functions demonstration d) Question and Answers e) Conclusion Each of your group members will be judged for their professional behaviour and actions during the presentation as well as the whole project. You will be judged for. Meeting and greeting: You will be judged on how you meet and greet people related to the project. This will also include your group members. Adopt words like Please and Thank you in your conversation. Avoid words that may be offensive to other people. Appearance: Appearance is an important aspect of this project. You will be assessed on your overall appearance (Avoid casual dressing). Eye contact : Maintain eye contact at all times while delivering your presentation. Organization: You will be appraised on the contribution you have made towards your project. You must always be well prepared and know the progress of your project. Your attendance and punctuality will be a key aspect for this project. Body language: Your gestures and postures while delivering the presentation will be evaluated.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Scarlet Letter :: essays research papers

"The Scarlet Letter" Roger Chillinworth was once a good puritan who lived a good puritan life and he was married to Hester Prynne. Then he went to travel. When he came, instead of getting a good and warm welcome from his beloved wife he saw her standing on the town scaffold with a letter of shame on her chest. He stood there, completely wrecked and knew that his life as he knew it so far was all lost. Ever since Roger Chillingworth's heart was broken and his life destroyed by Hester, he has deticated his life to revenge her and her adulterer, Dimmesdale. Being unable to return to his normal and good life practically destroyed and as he revenged them he becomes a devil (Chillingworth: 'I have already told thee what I am! A fiend! Who made me so?'; 'It was myself'; cried Hester, shuddering.). That revenge is what made him try to prevent Dimmesdale from confessing in the last scaffold scene. The scarlet letter had hurt Hester every day and every moment a lot, so Chillingworth let it do the avenge work alone without interfering (Hester: 'Why hast thou not avenged thyself on me?'; 'I have left thee to the scarlet letter';replied Roger Chillingworth.). But for Dimmesdale he had a whole different plan. He came back to town as a different person with a different name. Now he was Roger Chillingworth (We don't know his name before the first scaffold incident), a well-appreciated and educated physician. He came to help Dimmesdale, who was very sick. He became his close physician and they became very close friends. But the truth was that Chillingworth was constantly investigating Dimmesdale and reaching to the depth of his heart and prying his secrets and by that constantly hurting him. Dimmesdale was hurt because he lived a life of lies. To the world he was clergyman Dimmesdale - a wise man who was considered a saint, but in his heart he knew a different image of himself, as a sinner who is afraid to confess. Throughout the story it is hinted that if he had confessed he would have been relieved a long time ago and would not have been so sick.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

My Dream of Becoming a Web Designer :: Admissions Essays

My Dream of Becoming a Web Designer As a young child, my dream occupation was to dig up dinosaurs. As I grew older and my interests changed, my dream profession changed also. Although most of these dreams were not very long lived, one occupational dream has outlasted all others, and has finally emerged as the dream I passionately pursue. It all started when my grandparents purchased their first computer. Being as this was the first computer I had ever used, I did not know how to use it very well. I mostly used it for games, which my grandma would set up for me to play. I also drew pictures with the computer's paint program, the functionality of which, unfortunately, was very limited. The relatively new computer industry's technology could not produce enough colors to portray very realistic pictures. Despite this fact, I spent many contented hours creating images on my grandparent's computer. A few years later, my family moved. As we were no longer close enough to use my grandparent's computer, we purchased a new one for ourselves. I again used the computer for games and did some text editing, but started to utilize the paint program even more than I had before. The up-to-date colors available meant that I could create fairly high-quality pictures. However, my limited paint program again handicapped my skills, its inadequate tools requiring me to draw every pixel manually, which proved very time consuming. After using the new computer for a few years, I sent a picture I had created to my uncles who work with 3D imaging. They were impressed, and asked me if I would like a professional imaging program. For my next birthday I received the digital imaging software Photoshop LE, renowned for its professional capabilities. This tool took my imaging skills to all new heights. I was able to quickly and easily create high-quality images, and could edit and enhance existing photos for professional-like results. Photoshop became by far my favorite program, and I spent much time expanding my imaging skills and knowledge. Now, years later, I am working towards a B.S. in Professional and Technical Communication. I plan to use my imaging skills for the Web, a media that relies heavily on images for communication.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Odysseus,the Hero, Homer :: essays research papers

Odysseus, The Hero   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In today*s eclectic society, everybody*s heroes are different. However, during the era Homer*s The Odyssey was created all heroes had same characteristics. Heroes were the people who saved people, they were courageous wise and had fighting spirit. Odysseus, the main character in Homer*s epic poem was clever brave and a great strategist.Ê Although he has these strengths, he has some negative qualities, but most of his heroic qualities still hold true today.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Odysseus possesses heroic qualities, such as bravery, wisdom, a strategic thinking and honorable. Most of the story in The Odyssey is told by Odysseus, so we can say from his narration that he is eloquent. Book 9 shows Odysseus* positive and?@negative qualities.Ê When he escapes from Cyclops* cave he showed that he was brave and a great strategist.Ê When he poked Cyclops* eye with pike of olive, he decided not to kill him because if he killed Cyclops, he would not be able to get out of the cave.Ê This also shows he was wise and able to think about the situation before doing anything.Ê Another example that shows that he is brave that he went to the Hades, which was a feared by many.Ê By his eloquence and cleverness Odysseus could get Nausicaa to assist him, and his devotion to his wife makes him so honorable.Ê He showed sensitivity when he met his mother and when he heard the song of the Trojan War.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  However, Odysseus* qualities are not considered heroic today are his impulsiveness, arrogance, and curiosity.Ê He struggle?@with these points. Odysseus went to Cyclops* cave because he was curious but didn*t think what may happen next. When Odysseus was able to escape from Cyclops* cave, he yelled to Cyclops identifying himself because of his pride. That made Cyclops so angry that he prayed to his father Poseidon to destroy Odysseus. The result of that is Odysseus* companions all died before Odysseus could return home. If he didn*t reveal his name to Cyclops, maybe his companions wouldn*t died. Even though he has negative characteristics it shows Odysseus is just a human. He is not a god or a perfect man. His negative points aren*t favorable, but they make his positive points look stronger. If he were a god or a perfect man, his positive points wouldn*t be special or great. When his weak points get him into trouble, his strong points rescue him. For example, his impulsiveness with Cyclops almost destroyed him and his companions but his bravery and clever strategy

Peters and Waterman’s Eight Attributes of Excellence Essay

Some things can be learned about leadership by studying organizations directly. Tom Peters and Robert Waterman drew on their experience at Mckinsey and Company, a well-known consulting firm, and on further study of a number of businesses they identified as exceptional. Their message is that traditional methods of managing and leading need to be replaced with new methods and new modes of thought. They provide a provocative perspective on the history and practice of management and leadership and identify eight attributes associates with excellence and innovation: a bias for action, staying close to the customer, autonomy and entrepreneurship, productivity through people, hands-on value driven, stick to the knitting, simple form-lean staff, and simultaneous loose-tight properties. The Peters and waterman study used a fairly large sample of sixty-two financially successful firms across six industries that were considered to be excellent but did not attempt any comparison with unsuccessful firms. The Pride in Excellence team slowly transformed the three Peters and Waterman attributes into Toro values. They worked to translate the values into specific behaviors. They were pioneers, and they found few ready-made answers to their questions. Personal and company values systems became jumbled. More than once, team members wondered how they could talk about this stuff at work and still be taken seriously. From the start, they concentrated on ways to get the values down to the level of individual jobs. This was relatively easy when talking about values such as Service or Quality. However, Toro wanted to adopt Peters and Waterman’s productivity through people attribute as well. That led to values such as Respect and Trust. Their final statement even uses the word â€Å"compassion. †

Monday, September 16, 2019

Examine the role of the witches in Macbeth Essay

King James I succeeded Queen Elizabeth I on the throne of England in 1603. He was a member of the Stuart dynasty and was already the King of Scotland. This meant he united the two kingdoms, ending incessant warring between the two nations. James hoped to end the period of religious turmoil that had engulfed England for the previous century. The people in 17th Century England were very superstitious and witchcraft was the object of fevered fascination. In 1604 a law was passed that said anyone convicted of witchcraft should be executed. King James I was as fascinated by witches as his subjects, and in 1590 he personally interrogated a group of witches who had plotted to kill him. Misogyny and a strong belief that morality was being upheld fuelled society’s hatred of witches. World Order was an important factor of seventeenth century life. World Order was a system in which God was at the top of the chain, followed by the King or Queen, then humans, birds, animals and fish. They believed that the King had been directly chosen by God and therefore did not have to answer to parliament. The human section of the Order was split into subdivisions of classes. It was believed that each person was born into their social status and ambition to rise above their position was considered unacceptable and was punishable by political means or by fate. The audience would immediately realise that once Macbeth had murdered the King, he would have to die, as he had disturbed God’s natural order. The first scene of Macbeth prepares the audience for the entrance of the witches with the use of pathetic fallacy. This is used to dramatic effect, with thunder, lightning and rain applied to create a feeling of chaos. The scene being set in a desolate place reinforces this idea, with the setting making it seem like the events that will unfold will be of an ominous nature. The words the witches use support the idea of chaos and disturbance. The word ‘hurly-burly’ is used to show the turmoil at the time, with the area being ravaged by battle. Another phrase used to show disturbance is ‘fair is foul and foul is fair’. This phrase makes the audience wonder how anything fair can possibly be foul, thus creating confusion. There are many indicators that the ‘three weird sisters’ are witches. These include the use of the number three, the familiars and the language of the sisters. The number three is a number often believed to be magical, and throughout the play Shakespeare frequently uses this number throughout the play. All three of the sisters have familiars, demons who take the form of creatures to aid witches with their evil craft. This is shown when the witches say ‘I come Graymalkin’, ‘Paddock calls’ and ‘Anon’. Some of the sisters say things that can be interpreted as being related to witchcraft, including ‘that will be ere the set of sun’. This relates to witchcraft, as traditionally it was believed that witches performed magic at sunset. In Act I Scene 1, the Captain tells the story of Macbeth being a brave and noble man who is valiant and trustworthy. He gives an account of a battle that has just taken place and tells the king of Macbeth’s role in it. As the man telling the story holds the rank of Captain, trust is established between him and the audience. The use of words such as ‘carved’, ‘unseamed’ and ‘steel’ have connotations of murder and butchery, showing Macbeth’s bloodthirstiness in battle. The Captain also uses the phrase ‘or memorise another Golgotha’. This compares Macbeth’s fighting as being as bloody and savage as the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. This is a huge comparison, as Christ is a holy figure. I think that this shows Macbeth fights with such passion it could be almost a religion. A semantic field of ‘warfare and battle’ supports this scene, with lexis including ‘choke’; ‘rebel’; ‘galloglasses’; ‘smoked’; ‘over-charged’; ‘bloody’; ‘execution’; ‘carved’; ‘battlements’; ‘cannons’ and ‘wounds’. I think the words ‘choke’ and ‘over-charged’ are strong words, as they both show the zeal and ferocity Macbeth fought with. There is a large contrast between the way the witches and the Captain portray Macbeth. This creates an ambivalent presentation of Macbeth, allowing the audience to interpret Macbeth’s character in different ways. As a result of this, Macbeth’s entrance to the play is delayed until the third scene to allow the witches and the Captain to speak. The contradictory ideas about Macbeth that are spoken create tension, as the audience waits to see the true nature of Macbeth. A witch speaks before Macbeth’s arrival in Act I Scene 3, the line ‘A drum, a drum, Macbeth doth come’. This line has a strong aural quality, and the rhyming of ‘drum’ and ‘come’ creates a sound like a heartbeat, or a drum signifying war. This creates uncertainty in the audience’s mind, and prepares them for an ominous scene. Throughout the first scene of the play the witches are presented to the audience as puzzling creatures, possibly closer akin to Satan than humans. Their characters seem uncertain and their strange speech patterns are an enigma. They speak many contradictions including ‘when the battle’s lost and won’ and ‘fair is foul and foul is fair’. These contradictions could possibly be affiliated to world order, and the 17th Century audience may interpret the witches’ speech as a disturbance of that. The second appearance of the witches gives an insight into the power of the witches. The first witch tells the others about a woman who insulted her and how she would take her revenge upon the woman’s husband. The woman’s husband was the captain of a ship and the witch says ‘in a sieve I’ll thither sail’ and ‘I’ll do, I’ll do, and I’ll do’. One of the skills witches were credited with was the ability to sail in sieves and the use of this and the way in which ‘I’ll do’ is repeated three times, suggests some form of incantation will be used upon the sailor. The other witches offer to ‘give a wind’, allowing her to create a storm at the ship’s location. This shows that while the witches cannot directly control people, they do have control over the environment and they can use this to change the circumstances of people. What the witches plan to do with the captain is very alike what happens to Macbeth in the future. â€Å"Sleep shall neither night nor day† is similar to Macbeth after murdering Duncan, where he is plagued by nightmares and cannot sleep. This links Macbeth to the witches and shows his evil nature. When Macbeth meets the witches he is greeted with the witches saying ‘hail to thee, Thane of Glamis’, ‘hail to thee, Thane of Cawdor’ and ‘All hail Macbeth, that shalt be king hereafter’. The three lines indicate the three states of being: past, present and future. ‘Glamis’ shows the past tense, as Macbeth has been Thane of Glamis for a significant amount of time and he is aware of his position. ‘Cawdor’ represents the present, as unbeknown to him, Duncan has just stripped the previous Thane of Cawdor of his title, and will issue it to Macbeth. The final greeting is a prophecy, and it tells Macbeth that he will become King of England. The close repetition of the phrase gives the parallelism a strong rhythmic value, creating a sound that is similar to a spell or incantation. This reminds the audience that the prophecy has come from the mouths of evil, and so cannot be pure. After hearing these prophecies Macbeth responds by physically jolting. Banquo saying ‘why do you start and seem to fear’ shows this. There are three possible explanations for him jumping. Either Macbeth jumps in fear of the witches, jumps because he knows Duncan must die, or because the idea of murdering the king was already in his mind. In my opinion the reason Shakespeare put Banquo’s line into the play was to make the audience wonder if Macbeth had already thought about killing Duncan and claiming the throne. After the prophecies are given, Macbeth also orders the witches to tell him more. Imperative verbs are used to show his commands. These include ‘stay’ and ‘speak’. These show Macbeth wants to know more and show his military commanding background. It appears that he is used to having his orders carried out. Ross – a herald of King Duncan – then gives the news that Macbeth is Thane of Cawdor. Macbeth responds by saying ‘The Thane of Cawdor lives. Why do you dress me in borrowed robes?’ This is part of a set of ‘clothes’ images throughout the play. This series of images supports the theme of the play, assuming a false identity and assuming someone else place. Clothing is used because Macbeth appears to be hiding his true nature behind the valiant robes of kingship. The set of images is effective because clothing can suggest concealment and disguise. After being assured of his position as Thane of Cawdor, Macbeth edges into a soliloquy. This is a dramatic technique and shows a character’s innermost thoughts. The phrase ‘if ill, why hath it given me earnest of success?’ is spoken by Macbeth, and shows how he cannot understand how the prophecies can possibly be evil when they have given him success. This shows he fully believes the witches and so means he will be likely to commit the murder of the king. A series of images from the stage is in this soliloquy with words such as ‘prologues’; ‘act’ and ‘imperial theme’. Another one of William Shakespeare’s plays, ‘As You Like It’ has a similar theme and a character in it says ‘All the world’s a stage and the characters merely players. They have their exits and their entrances.’ This displays world order, and it can be seen that each person has a part to play and must not step out of his or her role. By killing Duncan, Macbeth will step out of his role and cause chaos. I also think this can be related to Macbeth, as the witches have carefully orchestrated his life and have great control over his destiny. This is very much alike to the lines or acts in a play, while his exit will be his fate. At the end of the soliloquy there is also another clothes image, when Banquo says ‘look how our partner’s rapt’. This is a pun, as Macbeth is ‘spellbound’ but also metaphorically ‘wrapped’ in the clothes of another man – the king. The language of Macbeth’s letter to his wife shows that he has chosen to believe the witches prophesies. The letter opens with the phrase ‘They met me in the day of success’. This shows that all the experiences he had that day were successful, the battle and the encounter with the witches. The phrase ‘they have more in them than mortal knowledge’ shows that he fully believes they have magical powers, and that he trusts they will be beneficial to his cause. He says he ‘burned in desire to question them further’, showing the audience his desperate need to know more information. The phrase ‘fate and metaphysical aid doth seem’ is used by Lady Macbeth in her response to Macbeth’s letter. This phrase is significant as it shows her readiness to ally herself with evil and the magic of the witches. It also shows that she believes fate has placed the supernatural witches in their paths and they would be wrong to side against them. Lady Macbeth has a large soliloquy in Act I Scene 5. A soliloquy is where an actor turns to the audience and speaks directly to them, as if the character were daydreaming. The actor speaks the truth – as their character perceives it to be – to the audience. This technique is used to great dramatic effect by Shakespeare. In her soliloquy her deadly intent is revealed. The words ‘I feel now the future in the instant’ spoken by Lady Macbeth are very significant. They show that she believes their future will be decided by their actions regarding the king. I think that at this point she knows what must be done for her husband to become King. Lady Macbeth graphically indicates her decision to bring about the death of King Duncan by saying ‘O never shall sun that morrow see’. This shows that when the king goes to sleep, he shall never see daylight again: his fate is inevitable. ‘Sun’ is used as an image because the sun is a symbolic representation of monarchy. Also, in world order, kings where the highest placed creature, just as the sun is the most important thing in the sky. When Macbeth rejoins his wife, they speak of their plans to kill Duncan. She advises Macbeth to ‘look like th’innocent flower, but be the serpent under’t’. This means she wants Macbeth to look honest and friendly on the outside, yet on the inside, be as venomous as a vicious serpent and murder the king. The audience at the time would make a link between this and the Gunpowder Plot. The medals awarded during the plot to commemorate James’ escape featured a flower intertwined with a snake. As this had only recently happened in Shakespeare’s time, the audience would immediately recognise the connection. In Act I Scene 6, Duncan visits Macbeth’s castle. At the scene’s start, Duncan remarks upon how agreeable the castle is, with phrases such as ‘hath a pleasant seat’ and ‘recommends itself’ displaying his thoughts. This is ironic, as the castle looks like ‘th’innocent flower’ but is really ‘the serpent under’t’, as the king finds out. Lady Macbeth uses many euphemisms for murder in her soliloquy. Examples of these are ‘provided for’, ‘great business’ and ‘dispatch’. The use of euphemism shows that she does not want to explicitly state her murderous intentions clearly. A reason for this could be that she is afraid of being overheard and accused of treason. However, I think the main reason is that if she clearly said ‘murder’ the situation would seem more ‘real’ and she would see the extent of the crime. I believe she is still unsure herself about the gravity of the situation. The euphemisms all have double meanings, and these could be seen as a type of test for Macbeth to see how he would react to the suggestions. ‘Provided for’ could mean to be fed or to be killed. The ‘great business’ could be seen to be the feasting or the murder that would mean greatness for the Macbeths. The word ‘dispatch’ could mean welcom ing the guest, or the murder. In Act I Scene 7 Macbeth has a soliloquy that shows his indecisive state of mind. There are many words which show doubt, including ‘if’ and ‘but’, displaying how he is considering his actions and is not fully committed to the cause. This is supported by the language of thought, including ‘but how’, ‘if’ and ‘could’. Macbeth shows he is aware of just how immoral the murder would be, with the lines ‘he’s here in double trust: first, as I am his kinsman and his subject†¦ then as his host’. Here Macbeth lists his reasons why he should not kill Duncan, as he is his subject, his host and is even related to him. Through the soliloquy Macbeth shows that he understands there will be consequences for murder. ‘Might be the be-all and the end-all – here’ is a line spoken that shows the murder will not be the end of his troubled time; it will be the beginning of an even more distressing s tate. He recognises that consequences will occur to whoever carries out the action and shows it through the phrase ‘bloody instructions which being taught, return to plague th’inventor’. Macbeth also says to himself that Duncan has been a good king and that ‘his virtues will plead like angels’. At the end of the soliloquy an extended metaphor of horsemanship develops. This includes words such as ‘spur’; ‘prick’; ‘vaulting’; ‘o’erleaps’ and ‘falls’. This is prefigures Macbeth’s life, as his ‘vaulting ambition’ is all he has to ‘spur him on’, and it will eventually reach too high (the position of king) and ‘o’erleap’. He will then ‘fall’ and will receive the consequences of his actions. The image of horsemanship was used to remind the audience of Macbeth’s strict militaristic background. Macbeth’s soliloquy shows a huge difference in character between himself and his wife. While his wife immediately resolves that they must kill the king, Macbeth thinks about the consequences. This shows Macbeth does have a conscience and I think this causes the audience to feel sympathetic to his plight. Macbeth has a second soliloquy in Act II Scene 1. Here his intensified fragile state of mind is shown to the audience. Macbeth sees an apparition of a floating dagger, shown through the phrase ‘is this a dagger which I see before me’. This shows that his mind is so focused upon the murder of Duncan, it is seeing weapons everywhere he turns. Phrases such as ‘a dagger of the mind†¦ proceeding from the heat-oppressà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½d brain’, show the mental strain Macbeth is under. A semantic field of the ‘supernatural’ underpins this soliloquy, with words including: ‘witchcraft’; ‘Hecate’; ‘murder’; ‘sentinel’; ‘wolf’; ‘stealthy’; ‘ghost’ and ‘fear’. I think that ‘Hecate’ is a particularly powerful word to use as Hecate was traditionally thought to be the goddess of witchcraft. At the beginning of the soliloquy Macbeth is using euphemisms for murder, like ‘the bloody business’. However, towards the end of the soliloquy, the language has developed and now includes words like ‘murder’ and ‘horror’. This shows that Macbeth has now fully made his decision and accepts what he must do. The soliloquy ends with a rhyming couplet, reminiscent of the witches. By using the language of the witches on Macbeth, Shakespeare has identified Macbeth closely with them. This creates the impression that the soliloquy ends with him making his own spell that will mean the death of Duncan. The two soliloquies depict the way in which the witches have effected Macbeth. They have given him advice and he has taken it in the way that he believed was correct. The witches have only influenced him, they have not directly told him what to do. I think Shakespeare has used these soliloquies to give the audience an insight into the mind of a murderer. As this was a 17th Century production, psychology and other studies into the mind had not been begun. This would mean the audience would be enthralled by what would have been revolutionary viewing. Act II Scene 4 takes place outside of Macbeth’s castle and is a conversation between Ross – a thane – and an old man. Though this scene takes place after the murder of Duncan, the two characters discussing the night do not yet know anything about his death. It is important that the man speaking is old, as this means he has lived for a long time among the feuding Scottish warlords. This creates an impression of knowledge, and that the old man would have seen many unusual things. Pathetic fallacy is used, with the phrase ‘dark night strangles the travelling lamp’ signifying an eclipse. I think an eclipse has been used for the night’s weather, as it is highly unusual and would have been considered to be supernatural. This would have given the night an eerie atmosphere. The old man begins the scene by saying ‘this sore night hath trifled former knowings’. This shows that while the man is very old, he cannot remember a night as strange as this. A bank of images relating to the stage is found, including ‘act’ and ‘stage’. These relate to the previous stage images, found in Act I Scene 3. The images link to world order and the way in which everybody has a part to play that they cannot change. By murdering Duncan, Macbeth has stepped out of his role and his upset the balance of world order. ‘A falcon tow’ring in her pride of place was by a mousing owl hawked at and killed’. The falcon is top of the food chain, and this is metaphorical for a lesser animal (Macbeth) killing something that belongs at the top of world order (Duncan). The horses have turned cannibalistic and are eating each other: ‘turned wild in nature, broke their stalls†¦ they eat each other’. This shows just how disturbed the order of the world is, yet it is also metaphorical for Macbeth killing his own kind. The use of language such as ‘entomb’, ‘strange’ and ‘unnatural’ show the precarious state the world is now in, with Duncan dead. Act IV Scene 1 begins with the three witches casting a spell in preparation for their meeting with Macbeth. Pathetic fallacy is once again used, with thunder giving the audience the impression the spell will be destructive. The chant shows many of the prejudices of the time. The witches put many parts of creatures that were considered inferior to the majority into the cauldron. These inferior creatures are: ‘frog’; ‘bat’; ‘dog’; ‘adder’; ‘blind-worm’; ‘lizard’ and ‘howlet’. All of the animals mentioned are creatures of the night, and so were considered very rudimentary forms of life. After more chanting, the witches begin to put in parts of other items associated with death. The mythical ‘dragon’, the predatory ‘wolf’, the evil ‘witches’ mummy’ and the poisonous ‘hemlock’ are all placed into the pot. This adds to the feeling of death and evil. Society’s prejudices come to the forefront of the chant with body parts of non-Christians being added to the pot: ‘liver of blaspheming Jew’, ‘nose of Turk’ and ‘Tartar’s lips’. As Jews, Turks and Tartars were not Christian, the audience would have feared them as they were foreign and their cultures were unknown to them. There is a semantic field of ‘poison’ in the incantation, and the lexis included are: ‘poisoned’; ‘entrails’; ‘toad’; ‘sweltered’; ‘venom’; ‘sleeping’; ‘boil’ and ‘bubble’. These were all added by Shakespeare to make the witches’ concoction appear to be very deadly. Towards the end of the spell, the finger of a ‘birth-strangled babe, ditch delivered by a drab’. A ‘drab’ was a prostitute and the child would have been killed at birth, as an illegitimate child would bring shame upon the family. As it was strangled at birth, the child is unblessed and so would never enter Heaven. This is ‘familiar magic’ and works through association. This could prefigure Macbeth’s murder of Macduff’s children. The magic number three is also used, when the witches say ‘thrice’ towards the start of the spell. The rhymes and rhythm of the words help to reinforce the idea of a deadly spell. The spell has a heavy aural quality, and this meant the audience could feel a part of the play. Rhyming couplets are used throughout the spell, helping to make it seem like a chant. An example of a rhyming couplet is ‘Ditch delivered by a drab, make the gruel thick and slab’. This phrase also has many labials in it, helping to create a sense of evil and decay. Shakespeare also employs onomatopoeia in Macbeth. This helps to reinforce the tension and make an aural sound of a spell. Examples of onomatopoeia are ‘double’, ‘trouble’ and ‘bubble’. There is a language link between this and Act I Scene 2 where the captain describes Macbeth as having ‘doubly redoubled strokes upon the foe’. This helps to tie Macbeth to the witches. I think that Macbeth returns to the witches because he wants to know his future. He has been tortured by the spirit of Banquo whom he has had killed and he fears for his sanity. Macbeth goes to the witches to seek assurances that he will not be dethroned in the future. I think he is looking for a future, as his guilt seems to tell him he will not have a pleasant one. The fact that he comes to the witches for reassurance shows that he has chosen to fully believe them and he trusts them. By consulting them, he is trying to change his own fate. This could further upset the order of the world. Macbeth greets the witches in the following way: ‘How now, you secret, black, and midnight hags! What is’t you do?’ ‘Black’ and ‘secret’ connote concealment and this links to the clothes images that run throughout the play. The use of the phrase ‘midnight hags’ shows that Macbeth understands the power of the witches and that they have just created a spell. Midnight is the witching hour, and this can be cross referenced to Act I Scene 1 where the witches say ‘that will be ere the set of sun’. A witch responds by saying ‘a deed without a name’. This is in keeping with the earlier euphemisms for murder. When Macbeth speaks to the witches he instantly commands them by saying ‘I conjure you’. This is a play on words, as the witches have the ability to conjure things and because he is commanding them. Imperative verbs are once again used, showing that he is used to having his orders carried out. Examples of imperatives are ‘answer’ and ‘speak’. Macbeth is prepared to take the world to the edge of destruction to get the answers he seeks. ‘Castles topple’ and ‘pyramids do slope their heads to their foundations’ shows he does not care about the destruction he causes in his quest. He ends by saying ‘even till destruction sicken’. I believe this would be said with finality, showing how deeply he will pursue his aims. A semantic field of ‘chaos’ underpins this whole section, with words like: ‘winds’; ‘yeasty waves’; ‘confound’; ‘swallow’; ‘lodged’; ‘blown down’; ‘topple’; ‘slope’; ‘tumble’ and ‘destruction’. Semantics are used here to show just how much Macbeth has already disturbed world order by murdering Duncan. The witches create three apparitions that give Macbeth a prophecy each. The first apparition is of an ‘armed head’ and it tells Macbeth:’Beware Macduff, Beware the Thane of Fife’. Macbeth’s immediate response is ‘thou has harped my fear alright’, meaning he has confirmed what he thought. Towards the end of the scene, he says he will act on his first impulse and do what his first instincts say: ‘The very firstlings of my heart shall be, the firstlings of my hand’. After hearing Macduff has fled Scotland, Macbeth turns into a blind rage and orders his men to ‘give to th’edge o’th’sword his wife, his babes, and all unfortunate souls that trace him in his line’. The second apparition is of a ‘bloody child’ and tells Macbeth: ‘Laugh to scorn the power of men, for none of woman born shall harm Macbeth’. This greatly pleases Macbeth and gives him more security. Although he is reassured, he still makes an oath that he will kill Macduff. I think he does this for extra reassurance in light of the first apparition. The bloody child prefigures the decision Macbeth will make to kill Macduff’s children. The third apparition is of a ‘child crowned, with a tree in his hand’. The child tells Macbeth: ‘Macbeth shall never vanquished be until Great Birnam Wood to high Dunsinane hill shall come against him’. Macbeth responds by saying no one can make the trees move at their will. This shows that he dismisses the prophecy and does not take into consideration the possibilities of how this could occur. Macbeth’s confidence has improved greatly after hearing these prophecies and he confidently asks the third apparition ‘shall Banquo’s issue ever reign in this kingdom?’ By asking the question, Macbeth shows he is still intrigued by the original prophecy of the witches which said Banquo’s descendants will be monarchs. The witches then tell him ‘seek to know no more’. This annoys Macbeth and he childishly says ‘deny me this, and an eternal curse fall on you’, showing his arrogance. After he does this, the witches summon another apparition, this time eight kings with Banquo following behind. Macbeth realises the answer to his question about Banquo’s heirs when he says: ‘Now I see ’tis true, for the blood-boltered Banquo smiles upon me, and points at them for his’. Macbeth’s reactions to all the prophecies show his precarious state of mind. Throughout Act IV Scene 1 he lapses into bravado, attempting to show he is confident when in actual fact he is very nervous and afraid. Two examples of bravado used are ‘call ’em, let me see ’em’ and ‘had I three ears, I’d hear thee’. Although he is nervous and fearful of his future, Macbeth still feels superior to the witches. This is shown through phrases such as ‘tell me’ and ‘filthy hags’. Macbeth misses the significance of the third prophecy, where the obvious interpretation of the trees being camouflage is overlooked. This shows that he is no longer thinking like a soldier, and rather a desperate man. The apparition showing Banquo’s heirs is believed to have political significance. The eight king bears a glass (mirror) and it is thought that it would have been pointed at King James I, watched the play. As it was facing James, the audience would have seen the kings face while the line, ‘some I see, that two-fold balls and treble sceptres carry’ was spoken. These represent the two orbs James I carried at his two coronations in Scotland and England, as well as the three kingdoms he now ruled: Scotland, England and Ireland. I think this was put into the play to try and support James. When he came to power, he promised better things for both Catholics and Protestants. However, he seemed not to fulfill these promises in the way that the people wanted and the Gunpowder Plot challenged his rule. I think that Shakespeare put this section in Macbeth to try and show James had a legitimate claim to the throne as he was descended from ancient royalty. In the scene, Macbeth’s assistant is called Seyton. This could possibly be pronounced ‘Satan’, adding to the impression of Macbeth’s growing evil. I think the use of an assistant called Seyton makes it sound as though Macbeth now has his own familiar, the Devil himself. Towards the end of the scene, the doctor tells Macbeth that Lady Macbeth is suffering from a mental ailment. Macbeth’s immediate response is to order the doctor to ‘cure her of that’. The next few lines of the play detail Macbeth asking if the doctor cannot cure ‘a mind diseased’. However, I believe the audience would see the question as Macbeth asking for help himself, as the anxiety and sorrow he describes is what he himself is suffering from. The question is reinforced by a semantic field of ‘cleaning’, with words such as: ‘minister’; ‘pluck’; ‘raze’; ‘antidote’ and ‘cleanse’. I think this shows just how badly Macbeth wants his mental state to be cured. When the doctor says patients must cure themselves, he responds by angrily saying ‘throw physic to the dogs’. This shows his precarious mental state. Act V Scene 8 details the battle between Macbeth and Macduff outside Dunsinane Castle. The scene begins with Macbeth saying he wants to become the great soldier that he once was, and will not commit suicide. The line ‘why should I play the Roman fool and fie on mine own sword?’ shows this. Macbeth tells Macduff that he has avoided him for the entirety of the battle, but his ‘soul is too much charged with blood’. This means he has seen so much death he no longer cares about who he faces. As he is facing Macduff, Macbeth boasts that no naturally born man can kill him. This makes Macduff reveal his own Caesarean birth. Hearing this, Macbeth almost physically collapses. The mental stress and the fake promise of glory from the witches suddenly leave Macbeth, and he is free to sadly muse about his shortcomings. ‘And be these juggling fiends no more believed That palter with us in a double sense, That keep the word of promise to our ear And break it to our hope.’ This section shows how Macbeth now views the witches and their prophecies. The first line shows how he no longer believes the witches. The use of the phrase ‘juggling fiends’ represents his view that the witches have been ‘juggling’ with fate, emotion and people’s lives. ‘That palter with us in a double sense’ means Macbeth now accepts that the witches’ prophecies could have been interpreted in different ways and he made the wrong choices. ‘That keep the word of promise to our ear’ shows how they misled him by speaking of future greatness, but then ‘break it to our hope’. Despite realising that Macduff will kill him, Macbeth decides to die fighting, in an attempt to reclaim some of his lost honour. Another reason for his decision to die fighting is the fact that he cannot bear the thought of being subservient to Malcolm after being in a position of power all his life.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Marie Antoinette: Research Paper

Melissa Arias Alma Aguilar Political Science 101 24 September 2012 Marie Antoinette â€Å"Let them eat cake† is probably one of the most recited quotes around the world, which is known to be spoken by the last Queen of France, Marie Antoinette. Although often reffered to as â€Å"The Party Queen† or in other words, the Queen who danced while her people starved. But what many fail to recognize is the fact that Marie Antoinette was the Queen who cared for her people. The only think she cared for more than the welfare of her people, was the welfare of her children.In order for one to understand and have the ability to fully understand the French Revolution, and Monarchy, one must go back and analyze Marie Antoinette's personal background, her political contributions and achievements, and her political influences. Personal Background Marie Antoinette (Archduchess Maria Antonia of Austria) was born in Vienna, Austria on November 2nd, 1755. â€Å"She was the fifteenth child, and eleventh (and last) daughter of the Emperor Francis 1st of Lorraine and Maria Theresa of Austria, at the head of the Habsburg dynasty†(Moore 3).Francis 1st died in August 1765, leaving his wife and his elder son to co-rule his empire. â€Å"To promote diplomatic relationships with France, Marie Antoinette was asked to marry Louis Auguste, the Dauphin of France† (Campan 3). With the conclusion of the Seven Years' War in 1763, an alliance between Austria and France became a priority for Empress Maria Theresa; cementing alliances through matrimonial connections was a common practice among European royal families at the time. In 1765, the son of French Emperor Louis XV, Louis Ferdinand, died, leaving his 11-year-old grandson Louis Auguste heir to the French throne.Within months, Marie Antoinette and Louis Auguste were pledged to marry each other. A child of only 14 years, delicately beautiful with gray-blue eyes and ash-blonde hair, in May 1770, â€Å"Marie Antoinette set out for France to be married, escorted by 57 carriages, 117 footmen and 376 horses. On May 16, 1770, Marie Antoinette and Louis Auguste were married†. (Campan 6) † Louis XV passed away in 1774, and Louis Auguste succeeded him to the French throne as Louis XVI, making Marie Antoinette, at 19 years old, Queen of France†(Barker 9).However, as personalities went Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette could not have been more different. He was introverted, shy and indecisive, a lover of solitary pleasures such as reading and metalwork. She was vivacious,outgoing and bold, a social butterfly who loved gambling, partying and extravagant fashions. Political Influences and Development Though many have argued that Marie Antoinette did not have any political development or influences, due to her social and eccentric ways, Marie always referred to someone in her life as the main source of admiration. Her Mother, Queen Maria Theresa, Marie often spoke of her with profound respect, but she based all her schemes for the education of her children on the essentials which had been neglected in her own†(Barker 9). Maria Theresa, often was inspired awe by her great qualities, taught the Archduchesses to fear and respect rather than to love her. â€Å"The Empress was too much taken up with high political interests to have it in her power to devote herself to maternal attentions. â€Å"(Campan 8) The queen's influence on domestic policy before 1789 has also been exaggerated. Her interference in politics was usually in order to obtain jobs and money for her friends. It is true, however, that she usually opposed the efforts of reforming ministers such as A. R. J. Turgot (1727–1781) and became involved in court scandals against them. â€Å"( Moore 12 ) â€Å"Activities such as the â€Å"diamond necklace affair,† where the queen was accused of having an improper relationship with a wealthy church official in exchange for an expensive necklace, inc reased her unpopularity and led to a stream of pamphlets and articles against her†(Barker 11).The fact that after the birth of her children Marie Antoinette's way of life became more restrained did not alter the popular image of an immoral and extravagant woman. As soon as the arrival of a stranger of rank at Vienna was made known, the Empress brought her family about her, admitted them to her table, and by this concerted meeting induced a belief that she herself presided over the education of her children. Contributions and WrittingsFrom the beginning of the revolution, Marie Antoinette and Louis had hopes for a compromise: in other words, a constitution that would include the monarchy. Trying to re-establish normalcy, Marie Antoinette continued her generous patronage of the poor children of Paris. â€Å"At the fireworks celebrating the marriage of the young prince and princess in May 1774, there was a stampede in which many people were killed. Louis and Antoinette gave all of their private spending money for a year to relieve the suffering of the victims and their families. (Campan 2)Marie-Antoinette's reputation for sweetness and mercy became even more entrenched in 1774, when as the new Queen she asked that the people be relieved of a tax called â€Å"The Queen's belt,† customary at the beginning of each reign. â€Å"Belts are no longer worn,† she said. She also spent as much time as possible with her own children, particularly the dauphin. â€Å"(Moore, 8). Much of the writings Marie wrote was her diary which is filled with a young girl's feelings about her arranged marriage.She describes a French Court dominated by intricate rules of etiquette and protocol and excessive attention to fashion and grooming. In her last letter, Marie-Antoinette wrote to her sister-in-law Madame Elisabeth: â€Å"‘Happiness is doubled when shared with a friend'†¦. † ( Campan 4 )In those words are contained the value she placed on friends hip to her happiness. The queen had a great capacity for friendship, although she was not always smart in her choice of companions. Conclusion The story of revolution and resistance in 18th-century France is a complicated one, and no two historians tell the story the same way.However, it is clear that for the revolutionaries, Marie Antoinette’s significance was mainly, powerfully symbolic. â€Å"She and the people around her seemed to represent everything that was wrong with the monarchy and the Second Estate: They appeared to be tone-deaf, out of touch, disloyal (along with her allegedly treasonous behavior, writers and pamphleteers frequently accused the queen of adultery) and self-interested†( Moore 17 ). What Marie Antoinette was actually like was beside the point; the image of the queen was far more influential than the woman herself. Marie Antoinette was the Austrian born child bride of the future King Louis XVI of France. It was an arranged marriage designed to (hopefully) create a better relationship between the two countries which was a common practice by the Monarchy to reduce conflicts and warfare between Nations†(Campan 7). The French people resented the Austrian Queen and she was the subject of numerous rumors that she had been planted in France as a spy, was a spendthrift, was cold, cruel, evil, mean and any number of other charges.In truth, she was a well educated woman with excellent regal poise, she was a well qualified linguist, played the Harp with great versatility, was an accomplished equestrian and was considered to be an excellent mother to her four children. † She was put to death during the French Revolution at the age of 37 on 16 October 1793. † (Marie Antoinette Biography 3) Marie Antoinette was a symbol of goodness and of everything that was right with the French monarchy. Also as queen, she made many changes that affected France's system of government and law.Marie had abolished the law of segregated dining spaces, as she felt it was wrong. She had gained popularity with people of France at first with her generosity as she continuosly gave to the poor of Paris. † After the Revolution, Marie faced the women who stormed Versailles and when her family and her were forced to live in Paris as prisoners she never lost hope that she would find a way to get out and hold her family's reputation as well as her political career; Even after the Republic was proclaimed in 1792, and her husband was executed. (Barker 5) Despite the tragic outcome of Marie Antoinette's life, she never blamed her people. She remained a devoted mother and wife, although her life as the Queen of France ended in a moments notice. Although many through time have viewed her as a shallow, weak and a self- indulgent person. But through recent years many historians have concluded the opposite; seen more as a lively, misunderstood, and compassionate character. She was a devoted mother,making sure her children were well educated, and cherished.And even when she knew her life was coming to an end, she made sure her children were in safe hands. And as Queen, she wanted the best for her people, giving generous donations and contributions to the minority. Marie Antoinette as a person and a friend was quite possibly one of her best traits, marked through history. The Political side of her and her family status was the main source of The French Revolution. She was proud to be french, but in the end all the hopes she had for her country demolished right before her eyes. But as terrible as she might be portrayed in your history books.Marie Antoinette will always be the last Queen France ever had. Bibliography Barker, Nancy. â€Å"Let Them Eat Cake: The Mythical Marie Antoinette and the French Revolution. † Historian (Summer 1993): 709-25. Madame Campan. Memoirs of Marie Antoinette. N. p. : Barker, n. d. Memoirs of Marie Antoinette. Web. 01 Sept. 2012. . â€Å"Marie Antoinette Biography. † Marie Antoinette Biography. N. p. , 01 July 2012. Web. 25 Aug. 2012. . Moore, Marianne. â€Å"Marie Antoinette. † New World Encyclopedia. N. p. , 03 Apr. 2007. Web. 01 Sept. 2012. .